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We can arrange legal advice online, via instant messenger keeping the high quality of the legal advice.

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Civil law

Świadczenie pomocy w szeroko rozumianym prawie cywilnym.

Business law

Świadczenie pomocy w prawie gospodarczym.

IT - Law of new technologies

Świadczenie pomocy w zakresie szeroko rozumianego prawa nowych technologii.

Corporate services

Possibility to provide comprehensive corporate services.

Drafting and verification of contracts

Drafting and verifying all types of contracts.

Family matters - divorces, alimony

Comprehensive service in family matters.

All specializations
About me

Attorney-at-law Karolina Gabriel

My legal office specialises primarily in providing legal services to entrepreneurs. The main goal related to the establishment of the Law Firm is to provide legal support in the performance of daily duties and solving problems which may arise in companies. I provide professional legal services to each of my clients.

I specialise in the field of IT - Law of new technologies. The type of work performed on a daily basis and participation in numerous trainings allow me to efficiently find myself in the intricacies of the broadly understood law of new technologies.

More about me

Frequently Asked Questions

The office does not have fixed working hours. Thanks to the possibility of online contact, I am available at any time. Meetings are arranged individually. However, I encourage you to contact me between 7:00AM-5:00PM.

You can contact us via the contact form or chat available in the bottom left corner of the page. I am also available by phone: +48 667 140 020.

For individual clients, the prices are set taking into account the client' s expectations and a complexity of the given issue.

For business clients, the rate for legal services is determined jointly, taking into account the scope of legal services provided and the working time.

I am available on both Facebook and LinkedIn. All links to social media are available on the Website.

While establishing my Law Firm, I wanted each client, whether business or individual, to be treated as a priority, taking into account individuals needs and the complexity of the problem. Due to the dynamic development of the market and the needs of clients, my law firm provides legal advice in a modern form, what helps to quickly adapt to the client's needs and guarantees the highest quality support in a given case.

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